Trigger Particle Reveal
Trigger Particle Reveal 5666527 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 | 1920x1080 | No plugins | 151 Mb
Particle Surge
HD 1920×1080 @ 30fps
Easy to edit (open comp, replace text)
Works with any logo or text
Help file included
No plug-ins required
Version that requires Optical Flares and Particular included
Works with cs4 and above
Music is not included, purchase the track here
Font available for download here
Fast Render ( works on any cpu )
EFFECTS VIDEOHIVE افتر افکت دانلود افترافکت جی اف ایکس دانلود جی اف ایکس دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود فایل افترافکت سایت افترافکت ویدیو هایو'